I wanted to play (American) football. I had the size. Based on that alone, I probably would have been offered a scholarship to a Division 3 college at least. You can't teach size.
There's about 50 other things that I could think of.
jehovah's witnesses cannot do a lot of things.
i remember pioneers having to quit their jobs because they could not work in a convenience store and sell cigarettes.
i know of a young man who was offered a scholarship to any college or university if he wanted to go to because of his football abilities.
I wanted to play (American) football. I had the size. Based on that alone, I probably would have been offered a scholarship to a Division 3 college at least. You can't teach size.
There's about 50 other things that I could think of.
i'm thinking if these nuclear powers work together for a common interest lots of progress will have been made.
a total end of the cold war with russia is a good thing for the world.
once you get the burden of war with each other off the table i think a lot of good can be accomplished in bumping heads in how solve common goals best..
"By the way, the reason Trump can't release his taxes is because Putin hasn't sent him his W2 yet."
Haha! That's a good one, Wasanelder Once!
apparently there was a bill introduced to congress asking for the removal of the us from the participation on the un.. you can read about it here:https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/193/textwhat do you think jw's will make out of this?.
ScottyRex...I could probably find good in everything. Almost everything. I grew up in this religion. My 90 year old grandmother is of the anointed (if that even means anything anymore). It angers me that I spent most of my life not living it how I wanted to live it. Granted, I turned out fairly well. I can't say that for many others. My wife is still in and to say that our marriage is strained is an understatement. I have no friends because my wife made me get rid of them because they were "worldly" (this was before I woke fully up). I can't talk to anyone one-on-one about my personal issues, or anything for that matter. I had to give up my best friend. For what?
I can go on and on. Tell me ScottyRex, what good do you see?
it is an often asked question i know, but it perplexes me.. if witnesses are so convinced that they have "the truth", why is the act of researching information from external sources so taboo?
didn't the bible itself tell people to "use their powers of reason" and also praised ones like the boreans for researching things they were told??.
seriously, if there is no doubt about the organization being "god's channel" on earth, and it alone having the "truth", surely researching would only enhance such 'facts'?.
The funny thing is that many of the org's beliefs can be discredited by using their own publications.
I'm not sure what your point is ScottyRex. Do you want us to find some "good" in this religion? That might be a tall order for some of us.
my wife found this 1/4 page ad on page 2 of yesterday's nj star-ledger, probably the biggest newspaper in nj.
pretty telling.. .
How long before the org has to sell off properties in Warwick to offset more claims?
when i was exiting (clawing my way out) i read a tremendous amount of personal.
accounts on the jw recovery page which sadly closed, .
i would like to offer an opportunity for any who would like, to say a few words on .
my wife found this 1/4 page ad on page 2 of yesterday's nj star-ledger, probably the biggest newspaper in nj.
pretty telling.. .
@ OrphanCrow and steve2:
Fair points. It's never a bad thing to have differing viewpoints. Growing up, most of us weren't allowed to have any.
my wife found this 1/4 page ad on page 2 of yesterday's nj star-ledger, probably the biggest newspaper in nj.
pretty telling.. .
Does anyone even read newspapers anymore? I hate to say it, but unless the media REALLY latches on to the evils of the org, not a whole lot is going to happen. Reporting on it every now and then or posting a few lawyer ads in newspapers isn't going to cut it. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm just being realistic.